& Projects
Learn About Our Programs and Projects
A gift basket containing 2 books, filakto, homemade soap, Glykofilousa icon with reference, homemade baby blanket or towel, Starbucks gift card, and a card from Philoptochos
is offered to all families with newborns at the baby’s 40 Day Blessing. Welcoming these newborns to our congregation is an overwhelming joy, and takes place at the end of our liturgy service.
Our members bake breads and pastries throughout the year for numerous occasions, bake sales, and special events. Bakers are needed and always welcomed.
Our chapter financially supports the Assumption Cathedral Basketball teams that represent our parish in the Metropolis and National tournaments.
We are proud to fundraise for and attend the annual Children’s Medical Fund luncheon that will be hosted this year by our own Metropolis in Houston, Texas on November 11th .
We encourage all our members to support this worthy cause that will provide medical equipment for children’s hospitals within our own Metropolis in the coming year.
Representatives from our chapter attend this convention each year to keep abreast of the best methods and processes to provide for the good works within our individual communities.
This wonderful not-for-profit organization provides a full wardrobe per season for needy children in our community from infancy to age 18, free of charge. Their stock comes from lightly used donations that are cleaned and displayed in a boutique setting at a storefront in University Hills. As we have often utilized their store to meet the needs of families, we are pleased to offer them financial support annually, as well.
In celebration of the patron saints of Philoptochos, our chapter hosts coffee hour on this name day and conducts fundraising activities to support Ronald McDonald House.
Ronald McDonald House supports our people by housing the families who visit Denver while receiving special surgery and medical services that they cannot attain in Greece.
We depend on the wonderful staff at the Cathedral who assist us in preparing for our events and programs. We acknowledge our appreciation of their support and hard work by providing baked goods and gift cards at holiday times.
In times of crisis around the world, our chapter works with the IOCC (International Orthodox Christian Charities) to provide relief to communities experiencing floods, fires, border influxes, conflicts, etc.
Once every other month, our chapter partners with Christ in the City Missionaries to provide hot, nutritious meals, for families and individuals facing homelessness in a homelike setting which fosters trust and the eventual provision of needed services.
Research will be conducted in 2024-25 to support this important ministry locally in the coming year.
The Village at the Contemporary Learning Academy (CLA) supports the needs of high school students with unique needs that might otherwise derail educational imperatives.
The Village provides support for young mothers, fathers, emancipated minors, students working full time, and those facing homelessness, while they pursue their high school diplomas. We assist their goals through the provision of clothing items, supplies, and whatever additional needs are presented to us annually.
Orthodox orphans are supported monetarily each year to assure for the health and education of the children entrusted to the care of Orthodox ministries around the world.
Partnering with our Youth Adult League we support the endeavors of the Samaritan House in their rehabilitation of citizens down on their luck.
During the Christmas holiday period each year, we work with the good people at Sandos Baskets to provide a holiday meal basket for families that may otherwise do without. This has been a rewarding project for many years, and we have made the holidays brighter for many throughout the years.
Our chapter has scholarships available for any student from the Assumption of the Theotokos Greek Orthodox Cathedral that wishes to enter the Greek Orthodox Ministry and study at The Greek Orthodox School of Theology at Holy Cross College.
It is always a pleasure to host the many senior citizens of our parish at events throughout the year to commemorate Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day and Thanksgiving, while also assembling less formal movie days and baking projects throughout the year.
Full size toiletries collected to supplement supplies at this unique shelter providing services to women over 50 in need of housing and training.
With the utmost discretion, we support the needs of members of our parish who face financial hardship in the face of medical, family or financial crisis. Father Jordan works with the Social Service Assistance Committee to identify and support those individuals and families with the greatest needs.
With loving care, we endeavor to sustain meaningful ties to those in our community that can no longer attend services at the Cathedral. Calls, cards and visits cement our ties throughout the year.
We host our families in times of need and times of joy, however warranted.
Every year, catastrophic events seem to assail a community somewhere in our great country. Philoptochos is there to assist whenever possible.
Annually, an extraordinary young woman is selected to receive ongoing financial support in pursuit of their advanced degree for up to four years as they maintain a GPA above 3.0. It has been a privilege to see these young woman grow and flourish among us.
An auction of vasilopita breads occurs every year in early January to support the ongoing needs of St. Basil’s Academy, a residential institution for at risk students run by the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America in Garrison, New York.