Dear philoptochos Members,
February is upon us, the month to make time for those we love. Our friends, family and acquaintances are drawn into the assurance of our care through the small acts of kindness that we provide. I hope that each of us can take a moment to consider a person that we haven’t connected with for a while and reach out to check in, or to begin to build a bridge with someone in isolation. Loneliness is an epidemic in America, but Greeks are a warm and generous people. We can make a difference in someone’s life by just sharing our genuine selves. Don’t be shy. Reach out where you can. The reward is always greatest for those who give and a huge blessing for those who receive.
And for those that stoically nurture themselves, do something just for you. Have gratitude for your positive attitude, your strength and fortitude. Know that you are an example to others of how to live a good life.
Valentine’s day bingo and bruch
Please mark your calendar for our annual Valentine’s Day Bingo & Brunch. We will be preparing a delicious meal and have assembled some terrific bingo prizes. The real fun, however, is always in the time we spend together, catching up with friends and meeting new people. We hope that you will join us at 11:00 AM on Friday, February 14th in the Annunciation Room for this event. Your friends and families are welcome to join in! Tickets are $25 and you can make your reservation by calling Faith Ioannides (303) 909-1685 or Christine Smith (303)915.0240.
go red sunday
We are designating Sunday, February 16th as Go Red Sunday in honor of Women’s Heart Health Month. Please join us for coffee hour, healthy snacks and fellowship immediately following the Divine Liturgy. We will have some information available regarding heart health practices and some beautiful red chiffon scarves for sale as well, ($15 cash/check or $20 via credit card). We have two hues of red to choose from depending on your taste. Stop by the Philoptochos table and see what’s happening.
Philoptochos spring signature event
Preparations for our annual Philoptochos Signature Event are well underway. This year, we will be hosting a fashion show and luncheon in partnership with Dillard’s in Park Meadows. This event is one you won’t want to miss. Please mark your calendars and save the date, May 10, 2025. More information will be posted in our newsletter in the months ahead. Stay tuned!
March Membership Renewals will soon be upon us. Come by the Philoptochos table to see how your membership stewardship is utilized each year for the benefit our community. We think you’ll be impressed by the impact we have on the needs of our parish, our region, country and homeland.
The key mission of our Philoptochos is to care for those who most require support in our community. We care for the sick, the departed, those challenged by temporary economic setbacks and general misfortunes, but we also strive to bring occasions of celebration and joy to our parish life. We balance the elements that make for a healthy environment and impact all that we can within our means.
If you discover that someone is silently struggling, please assure them that there is help available with the promise of privacy. We are always discreet and ready to provide whatever assistance we can.
As members, you shape the fiber of our community, and your eyes and ears pull every one of us into the weave. You empower the good work that keeps our Philoptochos sisterhood strong, and your observations and suggestions are the basis for the work that we do. We are always eager to hear your views. Standing together to hold each other close in good times and in challenging times, we are the mothers, grandmothers, daughters and sisters of our parish and we endeavor to help in large and small ways, as best we can.
Your membership dues are critical to the health and scope of our mission. The average donation per member last year was approximately $108. Our chapter was able to keep $86 of each contribution at this level, as we are annually committed to supporting the Metropolis and National chapters in the sum of $22 per member. As you form your budget for March, please consider the renewal of your Philoptochos membership as a vital means of support for our chapter. Please give what is comfortable for you at whatever level you best can. We value every gift at every level and encumber it with care.
Thank you for your place in the fabric of caring people each doing what we can to manifest our faith with compassion and action. We are so honored that each of you receiving this communication monthly has determined to be an essential part of the network upholding our traditions and values. We are thankful for the time and attention you afford our parish and so proud that you are Philoptochos.
If you shop at King Soopers, please take a minute to sign up for the Community Rewards Program. This is a benefit that King Soppers provides to the community on behalf of their clientele. There is no impact to the benefits you receive as a King Soopers card holder. Your gas points and discounts continue as normal, but in addition, King Soopers sets aside a percentage of your purchase as a donation to our Philoptochos chapter. Signing up to afford us this benefit is easy to do. You need to be on your home computer for the easiest sign up, following these steps:
· Log in from your computer not your phone, as the website is easier to navigate
· Go to: King Soopers.com
· If you don’t have a personal account set up, set up your private account and password (You will get coupon offers each month automatically attached to your phone number or Sooper Card in the store, if you do, too!)
Then log in:
· Go to: My Account, log in
· Upper right corner of the page has your name – click on the arrow, then click on My Account
· You will see lots of boxes with your info/totals
· Scroll all the way down to click on Community Rewards
Search by our ID: EP471 or name: Assumption Greek Orthodox Cathedral Philoptochos
Link to us here
That’s it!
Thank you for your generous support!
I look forward to seeing all of you this month at the Philoptochos table on a Sunday or at our Valentine’s Day Bingo & Brunch event. 💕
With Love, Christine