Dear philoptochos Members,
As we enter the introspective time of Lent in our preparation for Pascha, I have found myself reflecting on the necessity of thoughtfulness in all we say and do. This time of year, our faith affords us the opportunity to slow down, simplify our lives, and reflect on the tenets of sacrifice and moderation. In the fast-paced tempo of American life, this is even more vital for our health and peace of mind. As we follow the path of Christ in his days leading up to the crucifixion, let us model his love for humanity, his careful communication with those closest to him and his forgiveness and love for all. Let us allow ourselves the grace of time, the hope of prayer, and the heartfelt consideration of our community. Let us embrace the promise of spring and the opportunity to be reborn and cleansed of our trespasses. Let us emerge from this time a bit more patient and caring in circumstances where our hands and hearts can make a difference.
The fact that we are members of Philoptochos speaks to the compassion we have for the needs of others. We are a volunteer army of agape, each of us at our post and defined by our talent. We keep our watch, and we keep our word.
March membership renewal
2025 Philoptochos Membership Stewardship Renewals are now due! Each year we pledge our support for the many good works of our Assumption Cathedral Philoptochos by renewing our annual financial commitment to our endeavors. We ask that you consider your budgets and offer what you are best able to provide. In addition to the 40+ local parish programs and projects we fund, we are also committed to supporting the priorities of the National Philoptochos, as well as those of our own regional Metropolis Philoptochos. Some of these allotments include support for the fire ravaged areas of Greece, ongoing cancer care, social services relief for individuals nationally, the UNICEF vaccination program, newborn hope projects, young adult programs and many others.
Every contribution makes a difference and we thank you for the support you bring to us. We are one of the few places where daughters, mothers, grandmothers and great grandmothers join forces to uphold and promote the values that we have all grown up cherishing and exemplifying. We speak with one voice in the rich traditions of our heritage and carry on the legacy of our foremothers with pride. Please take a moment to renew your membership online or stop by the Philoptochos table any Sunday in March. You are our strength and we welcome first time and long term members alike.
Valentine’s day Event
We had a wonderful time in celebration of St. Valentine’s Day! A special thank you to Stephanie Papageorge Doukas and the Heritage Preservation Project for their stunning display of wedding photographs collected through the many years of our parish’s life. These images and the work of the Heritage Preservation Project provide a beacon of light into our past. We are so grateful for all that they do! Please click on the photos below to see them in their entirety and thank you for making our event so fun and special by attending!
The Valentine’s Day Committee Thanks You for Coming!
March reminders
Our chapter will be providing a potluck Lenten meal to follow 6 PM Vespers on Wednesday, March 5th. We invite you to bring a Lenten dish to share with our parishioners and join us for a nice dinner together. Also, on Sunday, March 9th we ask that you bring Lenten desserts in support of the Orthodox Christian Mission Center which trains and dispatches missionaries of the Orthodox faith to all parts of the world. Desserts are to be served following 6PM Vespers. We encourage everyone to attend!
Philoptochos General Meeting to be held on Wednesday, March 19th @ 6:00 PM in the Annunciation Room.
Philoptochos will again be sponsoring the parish Palm Sunday Luncheon to be held after Liturgy on Sunday, April 13th. We will be preparing the traditional meal of plaki and vegetable trimmings and we hope that you and your families can attend. The luncheon cost is $25 per person and will benefit the good works of our Philoptochos chapter. Children under 12 are free. Reservations can be made by calling Andrea Dikeou 303.377.6682 or emailing her at
We have so many wonderful surprises in store for you at our Spring Fashion Show to be held on May 10, 2025. Please plan to gather up your families and friends join us for his beautiful and delightful luncheon event. We will have full details for you in the April newsletter. Seating will be limited, so don’t delay once reservations are open. Our thanks to Dillard’s of Park Meadows for their support of this lovely occasion.
If you shop at King Soopers, please take a minute to sign up for the Community Rewards Program. This is a benefit that King Soppers provides to the community on behalf of their clientele. There is no impact to the benefits you receive as a King Soopers card holder. Your gas points and discounts continue as normal, but in addition, King Soopers sets aside a percentage of your purchase as a donation to our Philoptochos chapter. Signing up to afford us this benefit is easy to do. You need to be on your home computer for the easiest sign up, following these steps:
· Log in from your computer not your phone, as the website is easier to navigate
· Go to: King
· If you don’t have a personal account set up, set up your private account and password (You will get coupon offers each month automatically attached to your phone number or Sooper Card in the store, if you do, too!)
Then log in:
· Go to: My Account, log in
· Upper right corner of the page has your name – click on the arrow, then click on My Account
· You will see lots of boxes with your info/totals
· Scroll all the way down to click on Community Rewards
Search by our ID: EP471 or name: Assumption Greek Orthodox Cathedral Philoptochos
Link to us here
That’s it!
Thank you for your generous support!
With Love, Christine